Padded chair, harmonious fusion of elegance and linearity

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Chair with a cherry-stained beechwood structure, available in wenge, walnut, oak, natural, or graphite. Seat with an open backrest, padded and covered in fabric, faux leather, vintage faux leather, or velvet.

The Uma Hole chair is a harmonious blend of elegance and linearity, featuring a beechwood structure in inviting cherry, wenge, walnut, oak, natural, or graphite tones. Its design, characterized by an open perforated backrest, adds a touch of lightness and sophistication.

Carefully padded to provide an exceptionally relaxing and comfortable seat, the Uma Hole chair is more than just a piece of furniture. It is a work of art that captures the essence of modern elegance, suitable for enhancing contemporary living spaces.

Uma Hole's seat is an invitation to pure pleasure, where every moment spent is an emotional experience. Its perforated backrest adds a unique touch of style, creating a perfect balance between captivating design and enveloping comfort.

This chair is designed for those seeking not only furniture but a sensory experience. Uma Hole transforms the concept of seating into a ritual of beauty and relaxation, elevating modern spaces to new heights of style and comfort.

L47 P54 H82 Hs46 cm

OTHER PRODUCTS BY Aeffe Sedie e Tavoli

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