
by Sesta Srl

Removable sofa for waiting rooms

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Collection: Waiting / Meeting

Armchair and sofa for waiting, guests, meetings, break areas, combined with benches and tables. Frank is characterized by the "chassis" in sight, then with the padding "in support" (completely removable, fixed with Velcro), while Paul has the padding integrated with the "chassis" inside the upholstery. Both Frank and Paul, are equipped with removable lining, and are completely recyclable, thanks to the easy decomposition of the elements. Only for Frank, the structures of the fixed chairs and the sofa, including the "chassis" and also the table structures, are also available in the colors: mustard (SE 06), melon (ME 20) and plum (VI 04), in addition to colors black (N), white (BI), gray (VA) and with chrome finish (CR).