Gardenia perforated bed

by Antonio Marelli Mobili d'Arte

Bed perforated and inlaid by hand, for classic bedrooms

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Bed perforated, made of solid walnut wood.

The suggestion of warmth and color of the past combined with the charm of the craftsmanship that evokes a time when the detail made it unique each piece: these are the distinguishing features that at first sight distinguish and make the Gardenia recognizable creations. A rich collection of embroidery and cross-references to the past, which can appreciate and make the space that is important to characterize. Dedicated to the sleeping area consists of bed, even in completely perforated variant hand, chest of drawers to the fore with writing desk, dressing table, bedside table, chair and wardrobe in two versions: with bevelled mirrors and side curved doors or four doors made entirely of wood and enriched with inlays.

External dimensions
cm 176 x 211 x 131 h

Mattress support size
160 x 195 cm long

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