Il Mobile Classico - Infinito LV2143-A

by Idea Stile

Sideboard with 2 large doors and 2 drawers

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Collection: Dining room

Sideboard with two doors and two very large drawers. Sides, shoulders and doors squared with bosses in the centre. Linear base enriched by frames with multiple shapes. The simple and rigorous shapes of this piece of furniture allow it to be inserted into country or classic style furnishings. The use of soft colors such as white or ivory should be considered to make the image fresher and more current.

Main materials used:

- Ashlars, profiles and base: solid poplar wood.
- Panels: particle board with poplar wood veneer.
- Back and drawers: plywood.
- Drawers: solid wood.

The "Il Mobile Classico - Infinito" collection is able to satisfy the furnishing needs of the entire home: from the kitchen to the tavern, from the dining room to the bedroom, from the living room to the office to bathroom furnishings. Within this collection you can find furniture of different styles and tastes. You can easily see classic, rustic, country, poor art, inlaid and carved furniture or contemporary style furniture.



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