Tagliabue Mobili Srl
23895 Nibionno (Lecco)

Tagliabue Mobili, founder in 1963 as a result of the business insighr of the four Tagliabue brothers, Lorenzo, Roberto, Rino and Teresio, is currently a highly competitive Italian company in artisanal/industrial furniture business. Nowadays, Tagliabue Mobili is managed by their successors, Luisa, Alberto, Silvano and Anna who while keeping it as a family-run business, have an on-go commitment to the company's growth and success.
With its strong ties to the Brianza ares, the company - with cpverong 20,000 sq.m., including 14,000 devoted to production, continuousely evolving with the use of cutting-edge machenery withour renouncing the stamp of craftmanship deeply rooted in Brianza, like its founders.
The company's aim is to guarantee its competition quality, customizable bedroom furniture. This is made possible continuous research and experimentation carried out in-house from the design office to the production. A continuously changing, elegant showroom with bed and wardrobe collections is located on premises.