EVP di Peduto Enzo Vittorio
33082 Azzano Decimo (Pordenone)

The EVP is a company on the territory of Pordenone, specializes in the design and manufacture of home furnishings. In our design department, we study innovative solutions , with modern finishes that then we realize with the utmost professionalism.
After thorough research into the design and simplify the mounting system produced a series of modular elements that allow us to produce modern furniture for every need.
Indeed, we can create modular structures to house video equipment, order books, cds, dvds without giving up a Mobile patented design.
The modular design of this product allows you to experiment with interesting combinations to create different volumes suitable for any environment.
The "NEW SPACE" is available with different sizes of modules and different color combinations to fit into any space.
The accessories to create different combinations are: drawers, chests of drawers, single or double doors in wood or glass shelves.
The material used for the construction of the structure is called MDF, fiber lacquered wood with different finishes.
To make this product the EVP employs in his lab most skilled craftsmen to give a quality certified and patented product as ornamental, mounting and design.