Estel Group Srl
36016 Thiene (Vicenza)
Estel is an historical furniture company of the Italian Design.
Established in 1937 by Alfredo Stella, it has been developed and managed by the present Chairman Alberto (see picture) for more than 30 years together with his brother Pierluigi, now helped by the sons Massimo and Matteo.
Until the end of the ‘70ties, the reference sector was the House furniture in the domestic market. The bestsellers were the Guardaroba wardrobes, together with the night complementary articles, the bookshelves, the tables and the chairs.
In 1980 the Office Division was established: the Executive Offices, the Operational Offices, the Seating and the Partitions. In less than ten years, Estel has become Leader on the Italian market in the OFFICE field, by keeping the same position up to today. The success was gained thanks to strong production, technological, information technology and organizational investments, together with a wide and complete product range. The offer has always been characterized by flexibility and adjustment, that is by the “Custom-made”.
Towards the end of the’70ties, Estel has begun its internalization process: the first market was Belgium in 1978, then France in 1979, the USA in 1982, UK in 1984 and then other markets such as: Spain, Greece, Taiwan, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Germany, Israel, Central and South America, Russia, Easters Europe, Honk Kong, Chile, Cyprus, Panama, North Africa, Miami, Palestine.
Thanks to the research and development, to the organizational, technical and logistic Know-how, Estel has been ready to meet the new needs of all markets: the CONTRACT and, above all, the CUSTOM.
With the arrival of the PC and the Internet explosion, Economy has become global. The serial productions become prerogative of the large distribution chains, where the price is the most important issue. The big bank, insurance, car companies, many fashion brands, other brands in the food sector … that are more and more globalized, feel the need to design and manage their image all over the world. Therefore, they decide to use less and less Traditional Serial Products, in favor of a customized study and design of their spaces and furniture, by involving Architectural firms, Facility Managers, Space Planners, Industrial and Marketing Sociologists and by requiring, therefore, know-how and expertise, custom-made products, quality, more and more sophisticated products to the production world… all this without giving up the convenience and the organizational risk of the artisan or of the non-manufacturing trade company who simply sells.
Being sensitive and prepared to this new trend, Estel created, at the end of the ‘90ties, a Custom Division named Estel 5 Senses of the Habitat. Thanks to the Know-How Home and Office, Estel established itself also in the world of the Hotellerie, of the Bank branches, in the Telecommunication stores and at the car dealers.
Between 2000 and 2007, Estel acquired Artisan Workshops for luxury furniture, important brands among which Frighetto, a top grade brand in the upholstery field and Deko, a brand working in the public spaces, in auditorium and conference halls. Estel ‘s customers include: Una Hotel Rome, W Hotel-Vela Barcelona, Atlas Hospitality Morocco, AccorHotels in the world of the Hotelier, the town of L’Aquila in the Social Housing, then Intesa SanPaolo, Bnl, BNP Paribas, Santander, Allianz, Telecom Italia, Fiat Automobili … as well as worldwide known prestigious customers.
All these projects continuously prove the flexibility, the capacity of dialogue and adjustment that Estel show with the most important customers.
Estel does not give up its core business by proposing high-performing products signed by famous Designersamong whom: the master Oscar Niemeyer with his table designed for Estel in 1985, Jorge Pensi with the collection Embrace, Karim Rashid with the Bloob table and stools, Ross Lovergrove with the Landscape table and chairs, Patrick Norguet with the Tori table, Alessandro Scandurra with the Terra table and others, Ora Ito with the upholstered Dune, Stefano Gallizioli with the new upholstered Dolly and many other designers.
Estel products are manufactured in compliance with rigorous eco-sustainable criteria, both for the materials and for the processes that are at the base of Estel environmental policy (Eventually link to the certification and photovoltaic systems page). These criteria are part of a constant upgrading process as regards eco-sustainability, the main steps of which are the acquisition and the maintenance of important certifications: ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001, FSC® ( Forest Stewardship Council ), LEED ( acronym of Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design).