Bellart Snc
35020 Vigorovea di Sant' Angelo di Piove di Sacco (Padova)

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Create with light. Imagine new luminous worlds, mould them according to your will, and make them live in the spaces to call forth strong emotions. That’s how the Bellart’s creations have been born since 1985. From the ideas, enthusiasm and passion of Mario Bellesso and his sons, makers and experimenters in new creative languages, able to see the pure shape in the matter like great sculptors do. Everything is born from inspirations, from the magical moment that lights the idea. Then it is a continuous flow of gestures, the research of innovative solutions that become objects that inspire sensations, define style, cross cultures… Luminous objects, but not only because they give light. Luminous because their presence illuminates the daily spaces and enrich them with new tastes of style, pleasant and original solutions able to match any style, from the classic to the modern. They are born from artisan skills and from continuous quality research at all levels, from a tactile and visual pleasure that only handmade objects give. They are born to meet the needs of demanding and refined customers who look “inside” the objects they choose for their houses for wanting peerless objects that match their idea of taste. Light collections by Bellart, luxury lights up.