Snowsound art - Gillo Dorfles

by Caimi Brevetti Spa

Sound absorbing panels decorated with designs by Gillo Dorfles

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Collection: Snowsound®

A group of Snowsound sound-absorbing panels that feature a series of designs by Gillo Dorfles. Works from 1937 to 2017.
Snowsound Art is a Caimi Brevetti project that aims to be a journey of discovery, looking for new ways to bring ART and DESIGN together. A way of interpreting art not just as a unique creation that can’t be repeated, but as a form of beauty that can be reproduced on serial objects. Art isn’t just to be contemplated. It is to be enjoyed as well. The journey begins with a line of Snowsound sound-absorbing panels that become “canvases”, reproducing a series of designs by Gillo Dorfles.

Design Gillo Dorfles

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